
Herbicide resistance key focus of 21st Australasian Weeds Conference

Grain Central September 5, 2018

INTERNATIONAL speakers with extensive experience in combatting persistent weeds will deliver at the 21st Australasian Weeds Conference in Sydney next week.

The international keynote speaker, Antonio (Toni) DiTommaso, has won many awards for his engagement in a lifetime of research and teaching work in weed seed biology, growth and reproduction in Canada and the US.

Professor  DiTommaso is currently professor of weed science at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

The topic for plenary session speaker Mr Hugh Beckie will be the threats, the lessons and best management of  herbicide resistance in Canada.

Hugh was raised in Canada and studied geological, soils and plant sciences in Saskatchewan and Manitoba.  He is past president of the Canadian Weed Science Society  and in 2018 began a new position as Director of AHRI and Professor in the University of Western Australia School of Agriculture & Environment. His research program has focused on surveillance, risk assessment, and management of herbicide-resistant weeds as well as impact assessment of crops with novel traits.

The 21st Australasian Weeds Conference in Sydney from 9 – 12 September is for all agronomists, farmers and researchers doing battle with herbicide resistant weeds.

The three-day conference, hosted by Weed Society of New South Wales Inc on behalf of the Council of Australasian Weed Societies Inc, features an agenda packed full of topics on herbicide resistance and the latest research on managing problem weeds in crops, including:

  • Tuesday September 12 has, as one of the themed sessions, a focus just on outcomes from the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) weeds investments.
  • Get firsthand access to new and innovative weed management techniques including cutting edge new technologies such as machine learning and weed identification/speciation, chaff lining/tram lining and more.
  • Attend a conference session devoted to the latest new and novel chemistries from a range of life science companies that are about to hit the Australian market.
  • Join one of five popular post-conference field trips and see weeds management in action, from Sydney’s Northern Beaches to the Blue Mountains. Separate registrations required.

The conference will bring together more than 250 delegates from the weeds community including researchers, field practitioners and industry specialists to discuss new developments and share information about cutting-edge and best weed management practices in the grains and cropping sector.

The conference will provide a valuable opportunity to network with peers from around the world, engage with industry sponsors, listen and participate in presentations and field trips on a variety of topics, including:

  • New technologies in weed management
  • Biological, mechanical, and chemical weed control and research
  • Herbicide resistance
  • Weeds of crops and pastures
  • Environmental weeds and Weeds of National Significance

Register your attendance to the 21st Australasian Weeds Conference. Weed Society Members receive a $100 discount on registrations.


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