
Australia sets new Oct-Jun canola shipment record

Liz Wells August 6, 2023

Grower Jack Hill with Pioneer Seeds territory sales manager Luke Gooden on the Hill farm at Savernake in southern NSW. Photo: Pioneer Seeds

AUSTRALIA exported 329,162 tonnes of canola in June, down 35 percent from the 503,754t shipped in April, according to the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The monthly total lifts the figure for the current shipping year starting October 1 to 4.81 million tonnes, to break the 2021-22 Oct-Jun record of 4.64Mt.

Pakistan on 120,599t was the top destination for June-shipped canola, followed by Japan on 71,804t and Belgium on 62,065t.

Shipping stems indicate Australian canola exports will sit at 150,000-300,000t per month until new-crop becomes available in November.

Australia is one of the world’s most significant exporters of brassica oilseeds, and is next month hosting the quadrennial International Rapeseed Congress in Sydney.

The event kicks off with a field day in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, on September 22, and September 25-27 program in Sydney will cover agronomy, and traditional and developing markets including biofuel and plant protein.

CANOLA Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr May Jun TONNES
Argentina 0 0 0 2 0 2
Bangladesh 2185 120942 429 52396 1620 177572
Belgium 371368 447710 0 6350 62065 887492
Canada 0 45 42 45 0 132
France 188510 137829 31711 0 54897 412948
Germany 252140 430609 100623 0 0 783372
Hungary 0 20 19 0 0 39
Japan 29726 193821 70311 120694 71804 486356
Kuwait 0 21 0 0 0 21
Malaysia 20741 11395 5096 2852 4199 44283
Mexico 0 127942 0 0 0 127942
Nepal 16021 17007 1231 5196 7456 46910
Netherlands 253808 205039 0 0 0 458847
New Zealand 1446 2499 597 834 400 5776
Pakistan 116691 500 21999 166529 120599 426318
Paraguay 1 0 0 0 0 1
Portugal 0 40547 0 0 0 40547
South Africa 11 96 28 0 0 135
South Korea 810 0 0 0 205 1016
Taiwan 313 229687 0 0 0 230000
UAE 239638 229687 55000 148856 5497 678678
Vietnam 0 0 0 0 420 420
TOTAL 1493409 2195396 287086 503754 329162 4808806


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