
Australian June canola exports drop 55pc from May

Liz Wells August 13, 2021

The Seastar Express arrives in Esperance to pick up a cargo of canola in June. Photo: Southern Ports

AUSTRALIA exported 191,543 tonnes of canola in June, down 55 per cent from the 430,288t shipped in May, according to the latest export data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Germany on 63,316t, followed by newcomer Pakistan on 49,625t and France on 25,000t were the three biggest markets for June-shipped canola as Australia’s export surplus dwindles ahead of new crop.

Shipping stems indicate Western Australia is the only Australian state left with enough canola to keep loading cargoes, and only handy-sized ones rather than the larger panamaxes.

Canada’s drought-reduced crop is now getting close to harvest as Europe’s oilseed crushers switch into processing their home-grown rapeseed.

Australian canola is expected to sell primarily into Asian and Middle East markets ahead of new crop, which will start to be shipped in volume in November, provided a wet spring does not delay harvest

Canola  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Tonnes
Bangladesh 3329 4219 13219 5391 60995 2207 89359
Belgium 183512 63030 191570 121305 119454 24878 703749
Canada 0 3 44 38 30 0 115
Denmark 30000 0 0 0 0 0 30000
France 132000 61600 63504 0 60366 25000 342470
Germany 42337 61843 65225 275788 163249 63316 671759
Japan 912 18749 916 2341 1616 1200 25734
Kuwait 0 0 0 0 21 0 21
Malaysia 2692 7119 5733 4906 1986 7787 30224
Nepal 9117 5930 10789 9412 15522 17308 68078
Netherlands 62693 0 130003 0 0 0 192696
New Zealand 0 0 0 300 300 0 600
Pakistan 0 0 0 0 0 49625 49625
Poland 0 0 25514 30000 0 0 55514
Portugal 20329 0 0 0 0 0 20329
Romania 0 0 61008 0 0 0 61008
South Africa 0 39 430 0 0 0 470
South Korea 0 202 511 240 1250 222 2425
Taiwan 0 20 0 0 0 0 20
Ukraine 0 0 64501 0 0 0 64501
UAE 0 0 55000 0 5500 0 60500
UK 62014 25196 61014 0 0 0 148224
TOTAL 548935 247950 748982 449722 430288 191543 2617419

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