
Australia ships 891,201t of barley to China in December

Grain Central February 22, 2019

AUSTRALIA shipped 891,201 tonnes of barley to China in December to kick off its current-crop shipments, according to the latest export data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

The figure is made up of 355,905t of malting and 535,296t of feed, and compares with the previous month, when no barley was shipped to China.

Its purchases make up the vast majority of December’s barley shipments, and help to explain the delay in loading vessels at Western Australian ports bound for Brisbane and Newcastle while export cargoes of barley, wheat and canola took precedence over domestic shipments.

While Australia’s exports of barley are thought to have continued in high volume during January, trade sources have said they are likely to dwindle this month as China processes submissions to its anti-dumping investigation into Australian barley pricing.

Sorghum exports have dwindled to a trickle, and trade sources have said a handful of bulk shipments were all that was likely from the crop currently being harvested.

This is due to light testweights and high screenings in a number of crops being harvested in northern New South Wales and southern Queensland, and the shortage of locally grown feedgrain in both states.

MALTING Jly Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tonnes
China 92593 123856 506 0 0 355905 572860
Japan 12 21012 0 20600 20600 0 62224
Malaysia 0 0 196 187 104 0 487
New Zealand 0 935 923 2280 941 994 6072
Thailand 0 0 586 0 332 0 918
Vietnam 25546 3459 22929 961 2891 5706 61492
TOTAL 118151 149262 25139 24028 24868 362604 704053

Table 1: ABS figures for Australia’s malting barley exports from July to December 2018.

FEED Jly Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tonnes
China 65917 54969 0 400 0 535296 656581
Hong Kong 4 6 0 14 9 6 39
Japan 0 30250 59234 0 0 80050 169534
Korea 402 197 623 100 720 414 2456
Malaysia 0 0 2 0 0 420 422
New Caledonia 164 19 179 132 2 15 511
Pakistan 511 0 0 0 0 0 511
Papua New Guinea 0 0 0 44 83 50 177
Philippines 94 604 844 67 328 247 2184
Saudi Arabia 0 0 0 0 66000 0 66000
Qatar 0 0 0 0 0 22000 22000
Taiwan 2061 1178 777 1426 905 2960 9307
Thailand 65064 2219 1658 2242 2302 1332 74816
UAE 512 350 235 0 44095 11000 56192
Vietnam 0 0 0 0 0 1775 1775
TOTAL 134728 89792 63552 4425 114443 655565 1062505

Table 2: ABS figures for Australia’s feed barley exports from July to December 2018.

SORGHUM Jly Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tonnes
China 118399 28869 8912 2472 0 0 158653
Fiji 0 0 0 0 251 0 251
Malaysia 0 0 0 23 0 0 23
Philippines 200 699 0 0 200 400 1498
Taiwan 888 100 544 194 300 399 2426
TOTAL 119487 29668 9456 2690 751 799 162851

Table 3: ABS figures for Australia’s sorghum exports from July to December 2018.



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