
SA harvest ramps up as WA starts and rain slows north

Grain Central October 13, 2020

Canola from Yuna and delivered to Moonyoonooka near Geraldton last week was the first new-crop delivery into the CBH system. Photo: CBH Group

PATCHY rain in Queensland and far northern New South Wales has stopped harvest for some growers as they wait for ground and grain to dry, while activity in South Australia and Western Australia has increased as headers start to move.

WA’s major bulk handler CBH Group has taken its first deliveries of canola, starting at Moonyoonooka near Geraldton on Wednesday, followed by Chadwick in the Esperance zone on Friday, and joined yesterday by Kellerberin in the Kwinana South zone.

Viterra as South Australia’s major bulk handler today released its second weekly harvest report, and has received 254 tonnes of grain in its central region in the week to Sunday, to bring its new-crop receivals in the region to 331t. ceived over 250 tonnes of grain bringing our total receivals up to just over 330 tonnes.

Viterra central region operations manager Jack Tansley said deliveries continued into its Port Pirie and Gladstone sites.

Mr Tansley said receivals were slow due to wet weather.

“The start to harvest in the north has been put on hold due to rain,” he said.

“The grain is ready slightly earlier than usual this year, but the weather has slowed activity.

“Growers are hoping the rain will hold off so they can get stuck into harvest.

“We received a few barley samples last week so we should see deliveries pick up soon, weather permitting.”

Mr Tansley said even though growers in Port Pirie and surrounds have had their harvest pushed back, the timeliness of the rain, and its positive impact on potential yield, had been welcomed across the state.

“We’re working with growers to understand when they want to deliver and to match opening hours to their needs.”

Viterra is currently holding local pre-harvest meetings for growers at sites, to provide information on changes for harvest and site specific information.

Source: With Viterra




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