
Trundle’s Jones family calls time on thriving Darriwell

Linda Rowley July 15, 2024

Cropping, Merino sheep and prime lambs operations work together in the Darriwell Aggregation, which is being sold with a winter crop that includes 2355ha of wheat and 1083ha of canola. Photo: Elders

FARMING family entities and institutional investors are expected to vie for a trophy aggregation in New South Wales’ Central West owned and developed by the Jones family.

The 8828ha Darriwell Aggregation is a cropping and livestock powerhouse adjoining the Trundle township, and 50km from Parkes and 70km from Forbes.

Brothers Russell, Lloyd and Geoffrey have aggregated and meticulously managed the 19 holdings, some of which are contiguous.

While the three men work together, they run different arms of the mixed-farming operation, with Lloyd in charge of the cropping, Russell running the Merino stud, and Geoffrey managing the production of crossbred lambs.

Darriwell’s soils support an extensive cropping and pasture program. Photo: Elders

Elders agents Chris Malone and Brian McAneney said the aggregation offers scale and productivity seldom seen in the closely held inside country.

“The Jones brothers have achieved efficiencies and production levels well above district averages,” the agents said.

“These have underpinned the profitability of the mixed-farming operation, allowing for expansion over the past 66 years.”

They said the Darriwell Aggregation has already been well received by the market.

“The productive nature of the country, together with the scale, will encourage interest from farming families seeking expansion, as well as institutional investors.”

While the agents were unable to offer a price guide, in recent years, nearby undeveloped land has sold for between $1600/ac to $1900/ac.

However, it should be noted none of those properties offered the same level of scale or improvements.

The Darriwell Aggregation’s improvements include four shearing sheds and storage for 4000t of grain. Photo: Elders

Mr Malone said the Darriwell Aggregation is currently in full operational mode.

“The 2024 cropping program includes 1083ha of canola and 2355ha of wheat on rich red loams benefitting from recent in-crop sprays and a top-dressing of urea.”

“Around 2500ha of established lucerne is thriving in the favourable seasonal conditions, with a further 1000ha undersown this year.”

In addition to the highly developed cropping program, which is included in the sale, the aggregation is home to the renowned Darriwell Merino and Poll Merino studs running 7000 breeding ewes, as well as an award-winning 2000-head crossbred-lamb enterprise.

The 19 holdings are well watered by numerous dams that have been contoured to catch rain run-off.

The high-quality infrastructure includes four homes, five cottages, 4000 tonnes of grain storage,  numerous sheds, three shearing sheds, and four sheep yards.

Expressions of interest for the Darriwell Aggregation close on August 15.

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