FINDINGS from CSIRO laboratory and field tests have revealed some likes and dislikes of four snail species that impact Australian crops.
Funded by the Grains Research and Development Corporation, it is part of a $4.6 million national research program designed to provide growers with new tools and management techniques to minimise losses and improve market opportunities for affected crops.
Researchers evaluated the “push-pull” mechanisms that attract or repel snails such as different colours, and also looked at potential deterrents such as garlic and coffee.
CSIRO senior research scientist Valerie Caron said the fact snails were attracted to the colour red was unexpected, as it was generally thought gastropods could not see in colour.
“Red doesn’t play an obvious role in snail life, so this colour preference was a surprise,” Dr Caron said.
“Garlic was most effective at preventing snails from reaching food sources under laboratory conditions.
“Coffee barriers offered only limited protection, especially after 24 hours, with some snails even eating the coffee grounds.
“Ultimately, we’re working to develop new management techniques for snails using attractants (colour) for trapping and removal and safe repellents, such as garlic, as barriers.”
French Masters student Cedric Kosciolek was chief snail wrangler for the project during his internship at the CSIRO European Laboratory.
“When we think about snails, and gastropods more generally, we expect them to be a boring subject,” Mr Kosciolek said.
“But my internship showed me the opposite.
“We saw behavioural differences between the four species.
“It just confirmed that the natural world is always full of surprises and diversity.”
GRDC pest manager Leigh Nelson said GRDC has a long history of investing in research to find new ways to control pest snails.
“Invasive snails and slugs contaminate cereal and legume crops and cost the grain industry over $170 million each year,” Dr Nelson said.
“The development of improved management tactics for snails and slugs remains a top priority to improve grain growers’ profitability.
“This investment looks to provide Australian grain growers with new tools and management techniques to combat snails, aiming to minimise losses and improve market opportunities for affected crops.”
It is hoped the “push-pull” mechanism using snail behaviour could one day reduce snails’ impact on Australian grain crops.
Further research and field trials in Australia will be needed before such mechanisms could be deployed in the field against invasive snails.
The four-year GRDC investment is led by the University of Adelaide in collaboration with South Australian Research and Development Institute, University of South Australia UniSA, CSIRO and the Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
Source: CSIRO
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