
Singing legend backs farm family support program

Grain Central January 18, 2021

ICONIC Australian country rock singer Shannon Noll is the star of a new GrainGrowers campaign encouraging grower families to access a free, family support program.

The campaign will feature across social media with Shannon encouraging farming families to use the free, professional assistance for health and well-being through to HR and legal advice.

“We are really excited to have Shannon as part of our campaign. It’s so important our grower families have immediate access to support services and GrainGrowers is proud to have made this available for them,” GrainGrowers chairman Brett Hosking said.

“Shannon ‘Nollsie’ grew up on a grain and sheep farm in Central West New South Wales so we knew he would appreciate why we want to get the word out there about being able to get help when you need it, without referrals or wait lists.”

Mr Noll was able to take part in filming, just before the launch of his latest single, ‘Wonderful’.

“I believe we had a few star-struck superfan members of staff,” Mr Hosking said.

“I hope our growers will share the ad across their social media because there may be another family out there who isn’t aware of the Family Support Program and could use it. We want grower families to say, ‘What about me?’ and know that there’s a program there for them!”

Source: GrainGrowers




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