The chance to secure an operating Riverina site with 95,480t of storage is on offer with the listing of the Carrathool Grain Complex…Read More
Emma Alsop, January 23, 2025Volume traded in the feedgrain market has been thin, despite bids creeping up to draw out tonnage and cover a limited number of short positions…Read More
Liz Wells, January 23, 2025Through long-term trials, the SA Discovery Farms project is looking to improve the ability of livestock producers, croppers, and mixed farmers to weather future climate challenges. ..Read More
Grain Central, January 23, 2025Australian organic food producers and retailers have backed a proposed bill, saying legislation would help boost exports, and integrity and uniformity for the domestic market…Read More
Grain Central, January 23, 2025Sorghum harvesting is under way in northern NSW and pockets of the Darling Downs following an earlier-than-usual planting in many districts…Read More
Emma Alsop, January 22, 2025Early shipment of Australia’s chickpeas, faba beans, and lentils is well advanced, as buoyant export demand and good quality enables a string of cargoes to load for South Asian and Middle East markets…Read More
Liz Wells, January 22, 2025Argentina trims export tax temporarily. US cattle price sets record. Livestock feeding takes hold in Western Victoria and the South East…Read More
Lachstock Consulting, January 24, 2025Australia exported 769,478t of canola in November, according to the latest data from the ABS…Read More
Liz Wells, January 22, 2025GrainGrowers is hosting a series of grain-marketing and risk-management workshops aimed at helping drive growers’ long-term profitability..Read More
Grain Central, January 21, 2025Weather-market news bubbles in the background but US trade policy, and its impact on other countries, grabs the market headlines…Read More
Lachstock Consulting, January 23, 2025Critical rainfall fails to materialise as Argentina, mega exporter/processor of soybeans and corn, eyes shrinking crop prospect. ..Read More
Peter McMeekin Grain Brokers Australia, January 21, 2025The east coast, northern NT, and north-west WA got rain in the past week, with the same areas, including key summer-cropping regions, forecast to receive more in the coming week…Read More
Bureau of Meteorology, January 21, 2025