
Australia details yr to Sep chickpea, lentil exports

Liz Wells November 11, 2024

Chickpeas on the point of harvest mid-October 2024 on Qld’s Western Downs.

AUSTRALIA exported 789,065 tonnes of chickpeas and 1,483,447t of lentils in the year to 30 September 2024, according to the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The chickpea figure is up 17 percent from 675,516t shipped in 2022-23, while lentil exports are down 15pc from 1,745,433t.

On chickpeas, Bangladesh on 336,036t was the biggest market for Australia’s 2023-24 shipments, followed by Pakistan on 166,801t, and the United Arab Emirates on 141,267t.

On lentils, India on 698,743t, Bangladesh on 335,286t, and Sri Lanka on 150,284t were the major markets.

While India continued to import modest amounts of Australian chickpeas, ostensibly for processing and reexporting, shipments have jumped since the tariff was removed in May.

Ahead of the expected return of India’s tariff in April next year, India may well regain its status as Australia’s major chickpea market, as was the case in the years up to and including 2016-17, when India introduced and then increased tariffs.

CHICKPEAS Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jly Aug Sep Tonnes
Bangladesh 108141 57637 165778 1457 673 2351 336036
Belgium 0 242 242 44 177 0 705
Canada 3738 2646 6384 850 1726 174 15518
Egypt 248 1031 1279 0 0 0 2558
Fiji 25 71 96 0 25 0 218
Germany 0 96 96 0 44 0 237
India 4611 3267 7878 8642 7787 13089 45275
Indonesia 25 0 25 23 0 0 73
Israel 0 48 48 0 0 0 96
Italy 527 739 1266 0 23 72 2627
Japan 65 195 260 47 0 0 566
Jordan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lebanon 48 385 433 0 0 0 866
Malaysia 691 801 1492 0 146 168 3299
Mauritius 398 485 883 75 48 72 1962
Nepal 14983 2303 17286 613 967 497 36648
Netherlands 125 25 150 0 0 0 300
New Zealand 283 341 624 57 46 99 1450
Pakistan 47755 30071 77826 127 1971 9050 166801
Papua New Guinea 0 3 3 0 0 0 7
Philippines 0 77 77 0 0 0 154
Saudi Arabia 120 0 120 0 0 0 240
Singapore 422 439 861 1 24 48 1794
South Africa 106 97 203 0 0 0 406
South Korea 370 232 602 0 0 50 1254
Spain 0 20 20 0 24 24 88
Sri Lanka 1146 1078 2224 0 0 48 4495
Thailand 1488 151 1639 45 0 46 3368
Turkiye 678 0 678 0 0 0 1356
UAE 35270 33703 68973 370 900 2050 141267
UK 2654 3341 5995 709 704 1094 14497
US 1694 318 2012 146 149 94 4413
Vietnam 0 24 24 48 24 0 120
Yemen 124 25 149 0 75 0 373
TOTAL 225735 139892 365627 13253 15532 29026 789065

Table 1: Australian chickpea exports for the year to 30 September 2024. Source: ABS

LENTILS Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jly Aug Sep Tonnes
Bahrain 1978 4369 1252 1507 1142 0 10247
Bangladesh 25949 113428 124437 32058 3711 35703 335286
Canada 2 0 4 0 0 0 6
Egypt 7238 24681 30713 14402 275 667 77979
Fiji 1 1 24 0 0 0 26
India 305961 138926 136047 50508 35019 32282 698743
Indonesia 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
Italy 0 0 125 0 0 0 125
Japan 23 0 22 21 25 0 91
Jordan 0 348 0 0 0 0 348
Lebanon 0 25 97 0 0 0 122
Malaysia 552 22 0 0 0 0 574
Mauritius 146 98 148 48 72 50 562
Nepal 9845 8962 10379 5565 5570 3400 43721
New Zealand 36 104 157 15 57 2 371
Pakistan 21827 41960 12152 4617 6597 9620 96773
Papua New Guinea 0 1 0 0 1 0 2
Philippines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
South Africa 116 47 92 0 46 0 301
South Korea 24 120 0 0 23 48 215
Sri Lanka 29209 43911 42242 12613 12161 10148 150284
Taiwan 0 27 25 0 0 0 51
Thailand 0 125 0 24 0 0 149
Turkiye 27603 0 22 0 0 0 27625
UAE 16763 3563 19219 0 0 0 39545
UK 25 124 0 0 0 0 149
US 7 0 0 20 0 0 27
Yemen 48 0 0 0 54 0 102
Zimbabwe 24 0 0 0 0 0 24
TOTAL TONNES 447377 380842 377159 121399 64753 91920 1483447

Table 2: Australian lentil exports for the year to 30 September 2024. Source: ABS

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