FOLLOWING the detection of the damaging fungal disease, anthracnose, in NSW lupin crops in late October, six properties in the Riverina have been quarantined to protect the State’s valuable lupin industry.
The NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI), Local Land Services, Riverina farmers and industry advisers are working to eradicate the disease in lupin crops.
DPI plant biosecurity director, Dr Satendra Kumar, said a response team had been conducting surveillance and investigating traces to limit the extent of spread of the disease.
“The response team has conducted surveillance and investigated traces and that information has been used to develop options for the eradication or suppression of the disease on infected properties,” Dr Kumar said.
Lupin anthracnose is spread mainly by infected seed but the fungus can also be spread by contaminated machinery, vehicles, people, clothing, animals and fodder.
“Whole of industry buy-in is critical if NSW is to be spared from the ravages of this disease,” said Dr Kumar.
“We believe that eradication of lupin anthracnose from NSW lupin crops is still technically feasible.”
Consultants and lupin farmers are encouraged to look for ‘shepherd’s crook’ (bending) of the upper stem, the dark lesion within the crook of the bend and the bright pinky orange spore mass within the lesion.
Lupin anthracnose is a notifiable plant pest in NSW and must be reported immediately to the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline, 1800 084 881.
More information is available on the NSW DPI website,
Source: NSW DPI