Scott Walker and Caroline Dix in a paddock of InVigor LR 4540P canola. Photo: BASF
BASF is releasing two new InVigor hybrid canola varieties for the 2025 growing season to follow on from its launch last spring of its initial triple-trait variety.
This expanded InVigor canola range will allow farmers in all canola-growing areas to select varieties with excellent yield potential and manage their crops with greater flexibility.
BASF’s InVigor hybrid canola-breeding program has bundled the PodGuard shatter-tolerance trait with the LibertyLink trait, which enables the use of Liberty glufosinate-ammonium herbicide on the crop if an extra mode of action is needed to control glyphosate-resistant or other hard-to-manage weeds.
Both traits are exclusive to InVigor varieties, which also feature the TruFlex trait that adds glyphosate resistance.
The initial InVigor LR 4540P variety has an early to mid-maturity rating of 4.5, while the new additions bring 3.5 early maturity with the InVigor LR 3540P variety, and InVigor LR 5040P is a 5.0 mid-maturity variety.
All three varieties are said to offer outstanding yield potential for TruFlex varieties within their respective timings.
“TruFlex varieties have always been valued for their high yield potential,” BASF Agricultural Solutions Australia and New Zealand head Parvana Wali said.
“What our varieties add is enormous flexibility to help growers consistently achieve that potential.
“This includes the ability to use Liberty as well as glyphosate as an in-crop herbicide to manage particular weeds.
“Then there’s the flexibility PodGuard gives growers at harvest time, when they can let the crop stand for longer – and possibly choose to direct-head it – with much less risk of yield loss.”
“Growers saw the benefits as they grew InVigor LR 4540P for the first time in areas with good to high rainfall.
“Now farmers across all canola-growing areas can choose one of our LR triple-trait varieties knowing that they’re better equipped to deliver an excellent return on investment than any other hybrids, TruFlex or not.”
Interest in the new InVigor varieties can be registered by phoning BASF on 1800 558 399, or online from September 1.
Source: BASF