
Sydney to host 2020 World Congress on Oils & Fats

Liz Wells November 11, 2019

THOSE with an interest in broadacre oilseeds can find out how their extracts compare with those from horticultural, plantation and even marine sources at the 2020 World Congress on Oils and Fats to be held in Australia next year.

The International Convention Centre Sydney is hosting the World Congress on Oils and Fats in February 2020. Photo: ICC Sydney

Scheduled for 9-12 February in Sydney, it will be the second time Australia has hosted the event, which will cover topics including oil production, processing and nutrition, olive and marine oils, and fats and oils and their role in diet.

The event is expected to attract more than 500 delegates, and is being hosted by the Australian Oilseeds Federation in conjunction with the Australian Olive Association and the Australasian branch of the American Oil Chemists’ Society.

Congress chair and leading Australian oils researcher Rod Mailer said the event plays a crucial role in connecting research scientists and industry involved in edible oils and their by-products.

“This is not just for scientists; it has a message for consumers as well,” Dr Mailer said.

“It includes sessions about health and nutrition, biochemistry, processing and anything from the research scientist to the consumer.”

The International Society for Fat Research (ISF) Lectureship Series is a biennial event held in conjunction with a major global oils and fats research meeting, and will be hosted in Sydney as part of WCOF.

“This is only the second time Australia has been invited to host these lectures, and as always will include a plenary lecture by the winner of the 2020 Kauffman Award.”

Richard Cantrill was announced last month as the winner of the award.

Dr Cantrill is a world expert on food standards and labelling who has worked with ISO and Codex Alimentarius.




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