Harvest in the Geraldton zone. Photo: Alexandra Ayers, Northampton
WESTERN Australian bulk handler CBH Group has received more than 9 million tonnes (Mt) in the current harvest to Sunday following an intake of 2.86Mt for the week
“With growers experiencing excellent harvesting conditions combined with higher-than-expected yields, we are seeing many sites continuing to break daily receival records, with another 12 this week,” CBH Group chief operations officer Mick Daw said.
“We had our biggest day ever on Friday, 26 November with 533,000t received across the network, and for the first time, we also had three consecutive days where we received over half a million tonnes each day.”
Mr Daw acknowledged pressure on the system during a huge harvest, and reassured stakeholders and growers of solutions both through communication via the CDF app, though the Operations Harvest Guide and CBH website
“In addition to the 1.5Mt of emergency storage that we have built with 2Mt planned, we have also opened some non-network sites to cater for larger volumes,” Mr Daw said.
Albany Zone
Harvest in the Albany zone was interrupted by rain last week, including heavy falls in some areas that stopped growers for a few days.
Weather conditions for this week look much more favourable for harvesting.
The zone has received 1.16Mt, with 450,000t in the past week.
With the slow start to harvest in the zone, canola, barley and oats remain the commodities making up the bulk of receivals.
The weather does not seem to have impacted grain quality at this time.
All sites in the zone are now open for receivals, with average cycle times for the zone improving slightly over the last week.
Esperance Zone
Harvest again stalled in the Esperance zone at the start of last week due to poor weather, but in the later part of the week tonnages increased significantly.
With a week of fine weather forecast, tonnages are expected to stay consistently high.
The zone has received total 1.7Mt, with 450,000t in the past week.
Canola and barley receivals are decreasing and growers are switching to wheat.
Pulse deliveries continue at lower volumes.
The weather does not seem to have impacted grain quality at this time and yields remain above expectations for all commodities.
All sites remain open, although one feed barley service will soon close, with growers being redirected to nearby sites.
At sites Shark Lake and Ravensthorpe emergency storage is on track to be available for use this harvest.
The average cycle time is slightly higher than expected due to the high yields and large volume being delivered to Chadwick.
Geraldton Zone
Last week the Geraldton zone had excellent harvesting conditions, resulting in 605,000t being delivered.
Geraldton zone sites Canna, Carnamah and Perenjori broke daily receival records during the week.
Wheat is now dominating receivals across the zone, with lower tonnages of the other commodities being delivered. Yields continue to be above expectations.
All sites in the zone remain open, with the average cycle time across the zone improving slightly from last week.
Kwinana North Zone
The Kwinana North zone had very good harvesting conditions over the last week, receiving 755,000t.
More growers have finished their canola and barley programs and have started harvesting wheat throughout the zone.
Yields continue to exceed expectations for many growers, and overall grain quality remains good.
All sites in the zone are now open for receivals with average cycle times remaining consistent with previous weeks.
Kwinana South Zone
Good conditions saw harvest in full swing across the Kwinana South zone, with 600,000t delivered in the week to Sunday.
Growers are finishing canola and barley programs in the north of the zone, with most switching over to wheat, lupins and oats.
Growers in the south of the zone are still in full swing harvesting canola, barley and oats.
Yields continue to exceed expectations for many growers, and overall grain quality remains good.
All sites in the zone are now open for receivals with average cycle times improving over the last week.
Source: CBH Group