
GrainCorp welcomes NSW rail upgrades

Grain Central August 8, 2016

A $6 million commitment by the New South Wales Government to upgrade rail sidings in Barellan, Burren Junction and Hillston will unlock an additional $10.8 million of investment by GrainCorp.

The funding was announced on August 8 by the NSW Government under the Fixing Country Rail pilot program.

GrainCorp Group General Manager Storage & Logistics Neil Johns said the investment would unlock an additional $10.8 million of investment by GrainCorp to deliver significant increases to rail loading speeds at these sites.

“The Baird Government’s investment in grain rail sidings will deliver significant benefits to grain growers in these regions,” Mr Johns said.

“More efficient loading of trains will result in a reduction of rail costs of at least $5/tonne.

“There are also benefits for the surrounding communities – the investment means a significant reduction in heavy vehicle movements, improving safety and reducing road wear and tear.

“This is a very positive start for the Fixing Country Rail initiative and we are hopeful that funding will be available in future rounds for rail sidings in other communities, where the existing infrastructure is limiting rail efficiency.

“We would like to especially thank Minister Duncan Gay for his leadership role in highlighting the benefits of investing in regional rail infrastructure,” Mr Johns said.

The NSW Government has previously funded rail siding upgrades at Ardlethan ($3.44 million) and Nevertire ($2.9 million) which enabled GrainCorp to spend a further $12 million in upgrading rail loading facilities at these sites.

Source: GrainCorp


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