GPSA chair John Gladigau and CEO Brad Perry met with Minister for Emergency Services Dan Cregan and SA CFS executive director of operations Cameron Devey to discuss the Harvest Fire Code.
THE Grain Harvest Code of Practice will remain unchanged for the 2024-25 harvesting season, with the South Australian farming community continuing to use last season’s measurement of Grassland Fire Danger Index (GFDI) of 35 as the cease harvest threshold.
The GFDI threshold, which uses local temperature, humidity and wind speed measurements to develop a fire danger risk rating, will remain consistent with previous seasons, emphasising the commitment to
community safety and risk reduction by the state’s grain producers.
The announcement comes as South Australian farmers prepare for their annual grain harvest and, concurrently, weather forecasters are predicting hot and dry conditions throughout the remainder of spring.
Country Fire Service and Grain Producers SA believe the threshold’s retention will maximise the time farmers can safely harvest their crops by measuring local conditions, whilst also ensuring personal and
community safety.
CFS acting director of regional services and operations Steve Salamon said the cease-harvest threshold retention is a positive outcome for farmers across the state, providing consistency and stability.
“This cease-harvest protocol has been utilised responsibly by grain producers over preceding Fire Danger Seasons and we appreciate their safety awareness whilst also managing their very important seasonal
programs in the most efficient manner possible,” Mr Salamon said.
“Experience has shown that GFDI 35 is a manageable threshold that meets the production needs of growers, while providing safety for residents within regional communities.
“With the forecast of a dry season ahead, we are thankful for the risk-management processes employed by South Australian grain producers during harvest.”
In the lead-up to the FDS, the GPSA will communicate with its members regarding bushfire prevention and safe harvesting practices.
GPSA chief executive officer Brad Perry welcomed the cease-harvest threshold’s retention, which follows ongoing consultation with grain producers, regional communities and CFS volunteers.
“South Australian grain producers have demonstrated strong adherence to the voluntary harvest code under the GFDI of 35 and GPSA welcomes agreement with CFS for another season harvesting under the same threshold,” Mr Perry said.
“Many of South Australia’s grain producers are also CFS volunteers and understand the importance of fire safety and that’s why they invest significantly in preventative measures across their properties that are above and beyond those required in the Grain Harvest Code of Practice.”
Emergency Services Minister Dan Cregan said the ongoing work with industry to promote and support safe harvesting practices was key ahead of hot and dry conditions.
“The strong relationship between the CFS and GPSA has achieved a safe and practical outcome,” Mr Cregan said.
“This approach ensures consistency and gets the balance right for primary producers.”
Source: GPSA