VOTING is currently underway for GrainGrowers Western Region Board of directors with the results to be announced at the organisation’s first ever virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 16 September 2020.
Grower members across the country are casting their votes with two director positions to be filled.
The candidates running for election are:
- Julianne Hill, Brunswick, Western Australia
- Richard Konzag, Mallala, South Australia
- Walter (Wally) Newman, Newdegate, Western Australia
- Rhys Turton, York, Western Australia

Brett Hosking
“I always commend those who put their hand up to serve on behalf of their industry,” GrainGrowers chairman Brett Hosking said.
“It’s great to have candidates with such a diverse range of skills and experience and I thank them for being a part of this process.
“To every grower member, I encourage you to jump online or complete those ballot papers as this really is an opportunity to have your say. GrainGrowers is a voice for growers and your vote for who represents you on the Board is reflective of that.”
GrainGrowers directors hold office for three years, so the directors elected at the AGM will serve until 2023. Online and postal voting closes 14 September 2020.
“With COVID-19 making travel difficult, our AGM like many others is going virtual this year, the first time in the company’s 62-year history! We are looking at it as a positive opportunity for growers to be able to join from all over the country. I’m looking forward to grower members dialling in as they sit on the header!” Mr Hosking said.
Source: GrainGrowers