Agricultural educators, rural editors, agricultural scientists, conservationists and Country Women’s Association identities have been honoured with 2017 Australia Day awards.
Recipients named today with strong connections to agriculture and rural Australia include:

Former USQ Chancellor Mrs Bobbie Brazil receives an honorary degree of Doctor of the University at a recent graduation ceremony. Image: USQ.
Ms Roberta Anne (“Bobbie”) BRAZIL, Brookstead Qld 4364
For distinguished service to tertiary education governance, to agricultural, environmental and resource management organisations, and to women in rural and regional areas.
Service includes: Chancellor, University of Southern Queensland, 2006-2014 and Deputy Chancellor, 1995-2001. Chairman, Land and Water Australia (a national research and development corporation focussed on sustainable farming enterprises and resource management.), 2001-2009. Chairman, Australian Landcare Council, 2005-2008. Member, Advisory Council, Queensland State Landcare and Catchment Management Council. Director, Heritage Building Society, 2003-2005. Director, Condamine Catchment Management Association, 2002-2005. Member, Regional Women’s Advisory Council, Department of Transport and Regional Services, 2002-2005. Board member, Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise. Member, Advisory Council, Queensland Great Artesian Basin Ministerial, 2003-2004. Member, Advisory Council, Centre for Water in Minerals, 2005-2006. Member, Queensland Food and Fibre Advisory Council, 2008-2009. Member, Woolworths Sustainability Advisory Committee, 2007-2008. Member, Rural Clinical Schools Community Reference Group. Together with her husband has made a range of philanthropic contributions to community organisations including donations to the AEIOU Foundation (foundation supports children with autism), the Salvation Army, Anglicare Women’s Refugee, Wesley Hospital Foundation and Medical Research, since 2009. Awards and recognition includes: Honorary Doctorate, University of Southern Queensland, 2015. Recipient, Centenary Medal, ‘for distinguished service to education’, 2001
Dr Gregory Arthur CONSTABLE, Narrabri NSW 2390
For distinguished service to agricultural science as an agronomist and plant breeder, particularly to cotton management and production, and to professional national and international scientific organisations.
Service includes: CSIRO: Senior Research Scientist, Cotton Management and Improvement Program, 1991-2015. Group Leader, 1994-2012. Stream Leader, 2006-2012. Program Leader, 1998-2009. Inaugural Director, Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Cotton Production, 1994- 1998. Agronomist and Crop Physiologist, New South Wales Agriculture, 1970-1991. Professional organisations: Inaugural Chair, International Cotton Researchers Association, 2012-2016. Inaugural Chair, World Cotton Research Conference, 1994. Involved in establishing, International Cotton Genome Initiative, 2010. Adjunct Professor, School of Crop Sciences, University of Sydney, 2007-2014. Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, 2000-2015. Awards and recognition includes: Recipient, Researcher of the Year, International Cotton Advisory Committee, 2015. Recipient, Outstanding Research in Cotton Physiology, Beltwide Cotton Conference, 2009 (first non-US scientist to receive this award). Recipient, Chairman’s Medal, CSIRO, 2011 and 2003 and Fellow, since 2007. Recipient, Clunies Ross Award, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, 2006. Researcher of the Year, Australian Cotton Growers Research Association, 2006 and 1987. Recipient, Prize for Rural Innovation, Australian Government, 2005. Recipient, Centenary Medal, 2001 ‘For service to Australian society in cotton research’.
Mr John Andrew (Twiggy) FORREST, Level 2, 87 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth WA 6004
For distinguished service to the mining sector, to the development of employment and business opportunities, as a supporter of sustainable foreign investment, and to philanthropy.
Service includes: Mining sector: Fortescue Metals Group: Non-Executive Chairman, since 2011 and 2003-2005. Chief Executive Officer, 2003-2011. Founder, 2003. Chief Executive Officer, Anaconda Nickel (now Minara Resources), 1995-2001. Non-Executive Chairman, Poseidon Nickel Limited, since 2007. Chairman, Murrin Murrin Joint Venture, Non-Executive Chairman, Moly Mines Limited, Non-Executive Chairman, Arafura Pearls Limited. Non-Executive Director, Sibera Mining Corporation Limited (now Monarch Gold Limited). Charitable organisations include: Chairman Global Freedom Network, since 2014. Co-founder and Financial Supporter, Australian Children’s Trust, 2001; Chair, current. Founder, Walk Free (Australia), (global movement to end modern slavery), 2012. Indigenous Education includes: Founder and Chair, Steering Committee, Australian Employment Covenant, since 2008; financial supporter, since 2008. Founder, GenerationOne, since 2010; Financial supporter, since 2010. Ambassador, Australian Indigenous Education Foundation, “for many years”. Director, Western Australia Chamber of Minerals and Energy. Director, Australia’s Export Finance and Insurance Corporation. Other service includes: President, Athletics Australia, 1999-2004. Adjunct Professor, China Southern University, Guangzhou, China. Fellow, Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, since 1998; member since 1997. Awards and recognition includes: Champion of Entrepreneurship, Ernst and Young 2011; joint recipient, Social Entrepreneur of the Year, Ernst and Young, 2009. Governor’s Award for Regional Development, Western Australia Citizen of the Year Awards, 2010. Recipient, ‘for service to Athletics’, Australian Sports Medal, 2000. Recipient, ‘for service to resource development’, Centenary Medal, 2000.
Mrs Alison Betty DOLEY, ‘Koobabbie’, Coorow WA 6515
For significant service to conservation and the environment in Western Australia through revegetation and catchment recovery initiatives.
Service includes: Owner, ‘Koobabbie’ wheat, sheep and beef property. Between 2007 and 2011, 165 ha of ‘Koobabbie’ were revegetated with native species of local provenance and weekly avi-fauna surveys have been conducted since 1987 resulting in the provision of additional natural and artificial habitats for fauna. Founding Member, Buntine Marchagee Recovery Catchment Steering Committee, since 2001. President, Waddy Forest Land Conservation District Committee, since 1995 and Member, since 1986. Past Member, Northern Agricultural Region Regional Assessment Panel, Natural Heritage Trust, 1999-2002. Member, Carnaby’s Cockatoo Recovery Team, WA Department of Conservation and Land Management, since 1990. Member, Western Australian Land for Wildlife Scheme, since 1996. Member, Western Australian Naturalists’ Club, since 1970. Founding Member, Coorow Wildflower Group, 1979. Inaugural and continuing President, Coorow Heritage Committee, since 1996. Board Member, Winchester Cemetery, since 1983.
Dr Hugh DOVE, 81 Boronia Drive, O’Connor ACT 2602
For significant service to agricultural science as a researcher and editor, and to the study of animal nutrition.
Service includes:
CSIRO: Chief Research Scientist, Plant Industry, 1975-2011; Honorary Research Fellow, Agriculture, 2011-2015;
Member, Animal Ethics Committee, 1987-1996 and 2001-2011.
Co-editor, recent revisions of the ruminant feeding standards in both the USA and Australia.
President, ACT and Southern NSW, Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2006 -2010 and Fellow of the Institute.
Fellow, Australian Society of Animal Production.
Member, State Management Committee, Grassland Society of NSW, 2003-2104.
Nutrition Society of Australia: Foundation Member, since 1976. Public Officer, until 2015. Elected Honorary Member, 2006. National Secretary, 1987-1990.
Nutrition Society of Australia (Australian Capital Territory Group). Has held positions as Chairman, Honorary Secretary or Honorary Treasurer at various times, 1976-2004. Member, organising or advisory committees of several international conferences including the series of International Symposia on Herbivore Nutrition, and for Australian Society of Animal Production, 1975-2011.
Editor, ‘Grass and Forage Science’, British Grassland Society and the European Grassland Federation, 2010-2016.
Editorial Board, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 1983-2013.
Editorial Board, Open Food Science Journal, 2007-2009. Co-editor, ‘Sheep Nutrition’, a textbook, CSIRO Publishing and CABI Publishing, 2002.
Awards and recognition includes: Recipient, Research Medal, Nutrition Society of Australia, 2007.
Mr Angus James EMMOTT, ‘Noonbah Station’, Tonkoro Road via, Longreach Qld 4730
For service to conservation and the environment.
Service includes: Chair, Community Advisory Committee, Lake Eyre Basin, since 2003. Deputy Chair/Treasurer/Secretary, Lake Eyre Basin Coordinating Group (LEBCG) and Community Member representing the Coopers Creek Catchment Committee; 1998-2005. Community member, Great Artesian Basin Coordinating Committee, 2004-2015 (representing Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities). Board Member, Desert Channels Queensland, 2002-2008. Committee Member, Australian Floodplain Association (AFA) and AFA representative on the Western Rivers Alliance, 2005-2015. Has developed an extensive entomological collection of SW Queensland species. Has developed a comprehensive herbarium of the flora from “Noonbah” which includes over 500 trees, shrubs and forbs. Internationally recognised amateur scientist with six species named after him. Collaborator with a variety of National and International institutions including the: Australian Plague Locust Commission. Australian National Wildlife Collection. Australian National Insect Collection. Queensland Herbarium. Australian Museum. Queensland Museum. Museum of Victoria. South Australian Museum. Australian Wetlands and Rivers Centre, University of New South Wales. Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Queensland. James Cook University. University of Queensland. Sydney University. Australian National University. Canberra University. Monash University. Harvard Vertebrate Zoology Department, USA. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, USA. Burke Museum, Seattle USA. University of Kansas Natural History Museum, USA. University of Chicago, USA. University of California, Berkeley USA. University of Connecticut, USA. Louisiana State University, USA. University of Maryland, USA. South-Western College, Winfield, Kansas, USA. University of Wellington, New Zealand. Co-author: ‘Snakes of Western Queensland – A Field Guide’, (Emmott, A., and Wilson S.G., Desert Channels, Qld, 2009). ‘Frogs of the Lake Eyre Basin – A Field Guide’, (Tyler, M.J., Wilson S.G. and Emmott A.J. Desert Channels, Qld., 2011) Photographer, widely published, most recently in ‘Desert Channels: The Impulse to Conserve’ (CSIRO Publishing, 3 52pp. Robin L., Dickman C., and Martin M. Eds., 2010) ‘Lake Eyre: A Journey through the Heart of the Continent’, (ABC Books. Lockyer P. 2012) Beef Cattle Grazier, Noonbah Grazing Company, current. President, Stonehenge Branch, United Graziers Association Central and Northern, (now AGFORCE), 1992-2001 and Vice- President, 1990-1992 and Member, 1980-2001. Awards and recognition includes: Recipient, Honorary Master of Science, University of Central Queensland. Honorary Associate, Queensland Museum. Fellow, Royal Society of South Australia.
Mrs Jean Marie EVANS, 177 Sturt Valley Road, Upper Sturt SA 5156
For service to the beef cattle industry, and to the community.
Service includes: Primary industry: President, South Australian Beef Cattle Breeders Association, since 2009 and Committee Member, since 2003 and SA Beef Field Days Exhibitor, 1987-2013. Former Secretary, Central Hills Branch, South Australian Farmers Federation,1986- 2013 and Member, Livestock Committee, 2013-2014. Treasurer, Livestock SA. Director, Australian Limousin Breeders Society, 2001-2007. President, Secretary and Treasurer, SA Limousin Breeders Society, 1986-2007. Community: Life Member, Uraidla and Summertown Horticultural and Floricultural Show Society Inc, current and Committee member, and Life Member, 2000. Member, Council, Heathfield High School, ‘for 8 years’, and President, P&F Committee, ‘for 9 years’ and Secretary, 1970-1986 and Member, ‘for 15 years’. Council Member, Upper Sturt Primary School; Member, Welfare Club, ‘for 15 years’. Life Member, Hills Table Tennis Association, since 1973 and President, ‘for 5 years’ and Secretary and Treasurer, ‘for 15 years’. Foundation Member, Mount Lofty and Districts Historical Society, 1978. First Female Member, Mount Barker Adult Education Council (Hills Community College (TAFE) Council, ‘in the 1960s’. Councillor, Stirling Council, 1983-1995 and Deputy Chair; Delegate to Local Government Association. Member, Mount Lofty Ranges Ministerial Advisory Committee, and then Mount Lofty Ranges Catchment Program, 1988-2005. Member, Patawolonga Catchment Board, 2000-2005
Mr Jack Miller FLETCHER, PO Box 1362, Subiaco WA 6904
For service to the primary industry sector in Western Australia.
Service includes: Co-founder and Managing Director, Australian Land and Cattle Company (ALCCLO), 1967-1985. (Developed 7 cattle stations comprising 4.2 million acres, stocked with 100,000 head of cattle and 1,500 horses, feed yards. ALCCO exported 37% of all beef products produced from the Kimberley region in Western Australia). Director, Derby Meat Processing Company (DEMCo), Broome and Derby, Western Australia, since 1991. Founder and Managing Director, Investment Down Under Pty. Ltd., since 1971. Co-Founder and Director, Bodoquena Ply. Ltd., 1991. Involved in the Port of Broome becoming a deep water port, 1980. Co-founder, Looma, an Indigenous community in the West Kimberley, 1970. Pioneered development of primary industry innovations in countries such as Bahrain, Belize, Dominican Republic, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria and Libya. Discovered the world’s largest known artesian basin in Libya in 1960 which resulted in the $29 billion ‘Man Made River Project’ where 4,000kms of pipeline were laid across the Sahara Desert to provide water to Benghazi and Tripoli. Author of a range of publications including: ‘To Dam or be Damned: the mighty Fitzroy River’, (Edited by Brian Hernan and Rosalie Hamilton, Self-Published, Subiaco, WA, 2008). ‘Texas Jack’s Australian outback dream: a pioneering investment journal’ (Salt Lake City, Utah: American University & College Press, 2001). Member, Australian National Committee, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage. Member, Soil Conservation Society of America. Awards and recognition includes: Inductee, Hall of Fame, Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences, Sul Ross State University, Texas, 2011 and Distinguished Alumnus Award, 1981.
Mr Graham Norman GREENWOOD, 5 Elle Court, Mount Gambier SA 5290
For service to the print media as a journalist in rural areas.
Service includes: Chairman, ‘The Border Watch’ newspaper, since 2015; Acting Chairman, 2012-2014; Director, 2005-2011; Manager, 2003-2005; Editor, 1981-1987; Assistant Editor, 1978; Sports Editor, 1976; Weekly Columnist, ‘for many years’; Journalist and Employee, since 1963. Editor-In-Chief, Western Farmer and Elders Weekly (Rural Press), 1989-2003. Cadet Journalist Trainer, Rural Press Training Division, 1991-2001. Regional Journalist, The Stock Journal (Rural Press), 1987 and Assistant Editor, 1988. Author, several books on local identities including the Scott Family (owners of the Border Watch), ‘over many years’. Life Member, North Gambier Sportsmen’s Cricket Club, 1987 and Representative Cricketer, 1963-1988. Representative Player, baseball and basketball, 1963-1988. Member, Rotary Club of Mount Gambier, 1984-1988 and Recipient, ‘Pride of Excellence Award’, 2008
Mrs Jennifer Joy HILL, ‘Wandaloo’, Freemans Road, Miles Qld 4415
For service to the rural community of Queensland.
Service includes: Country Women’s Association: Queensland: State President, 2011-2013. Vice President, Southern Region, 2008-2011. Division President, 2 years. Division Vice-president, 3 years. Division International Officer, 3 years; President, Miles Branch, current and Member, since 1999. International Officer; Branch Treasurer. New South Wales: Group Secretary , 3 years; Member, Gloucester Evening Branch, 1969-1999. Involved with a range of community groups including: Secretary/Treasurer, Queensland Angus Society, current. Area Council, NSW Farmers Federation. State Advisory Council, Rural Youth New South Wales. Advisory Committee, Rural Counselling, Gloucester, New South Wales. Member, Ladies Show Auxiliary, Gloucester, New South Wales. Member, Chinchilla Field Naturalists Club, current. Member, Murilla Garden Club, current and Secretary. Member, Cameby District Hall Committee and Treasurer
Dr Francis Michael KELLEHER, PO Box 21, North Richmond NSW 2754
For service to horse sports, and to agriculture education.
Service includes: Vice-President, Pony Club Association of New South Wales, 2012-2016. Volunteer, Pony Club movement, from club to national levels, since 1981. University of Western Sydney – Hawkesbury: Senior Lecturer in Agriculture, 1971-2005. Member, Academic Board, Academic Appeals Committee, Research Postgraduate Studies, ‘no dates’. Editor, Alumni Journal, 2005-2009. Judge, Junior Grains Final, NSW Royal Agricultural Society, since 1993 and Wheat Classes, since 1995. Member, John Lincoln Youth Community Awards Committee, Order of Australia Association (NSW Branch), 2013-2015. Awards and recognition includes: Life Member, Pony Club Association of New South Wales, 2016. Senior Volunteer of the Year, North West Sydney Region, 2014. Recipient, Sports NSW Distinguished Long Service Award, 2014. Recipient, Australian Sports Medal, 2000.
Mrs Margaret Elizabeth RUDWICK, 5930 Phillips Road, Mundaring WA 6073
For service to women, and to the community.
Service includes: Country Women’s Association of Western Australia: Secretary, Mundaring Branch, current. Committee Member, ‘for many years’. Member, ‘for over 50 years. Attendee, 27th Triennial World Conference of Associated Country Women of the World, India, 2013. President, Mundaring Unit, Australian Red Cross, ‘for 34 years’. Kitchen Manager, Midland Junction Poultry Society, current. Vice-President, Swan View and Districts Agricultural and Arts Society and Member, current. Member, Mundaring Anglican Church, current.