Harvesting the 2022-23 crop on Witera. Photo: Elders
TWO sizeable holdings are on the market this spring at opposite ends of the South Australian grainbelt.
One is Heritage Hill, in the Murray-Mallee region west of the Victorian border, and the other is Witera, on Western Eyre Peninsula.
Heritage Hill
After a lifetime on the land, retiring vendors Andrew and Glenda Hall have listed Heritage Hill in the Loxton/Waikerie Riverland area of South Australia.
The 6376ha are situated near Maggea, 45km east of Swan Reach, and 48km west of Loxton.
Calaby Real Estate agents Craig Barbary and Rob Calaby report good early inquiry from producers locally and across the state.
“Heritage Hill is an extensive standalone holding offering enormous potential for a motivated purchaser to add productive land to their existing property portfolio.”
It comprises two holdings: 3539ha Lot 1 with two homes, two cattle yards and various sheds and 2836ha, and Lot 2 that has cattle yards and 100 tonnes of grain storage.

Heritage Hill is located in the Murray-Mallee region and is for sale via an EOI campaign. Photo: Calaby Real Estate
The gently undulating farming country has fertile, sandy loams over clay with areas of limestone, with around 4500ha that are arable and growing cereals, legumes and hay.
Heritage Hill is currently cropping 2000-2500ha annually and running 300-350 breeders on areas of native grasses and medics, with areas of natural scrub.
The holding is watered by several unequipped bores, three equipped bores and several water meters.
Infrastructure includes a four-bedroom home, three cattle yards and two grain silos with 100 tonnes of capacity.
Heritage Hill is being offered for sale as a whole or two separate parcels via an expressions-of-interest campaign closing on October 26.
The Bay Family Trust has relisted for sale its mixed-farming enterprise on s Western Eyre Peninsula after it failed to sell during an expressions-of-interest campaign earlier this year.
Purchased in 1998, the 4999ha Witera is located in the Calca-Witera region, 40km south of Streaky Bay, in the heart of the highly regarded Mount Hall and Mount Cooper farming districts.
Witera comprises 744ha of cropping country, 521ha of scrub and rough grazing and 3723ha of native vegetation under a heritage agreement.
The arable area spans 744ha and consists of plains and rises of red and grey sandy loam soils with granite outcrops.
It is mainly growing wheat and barley, with an average yield of 2.5 tonnes per hectare, with a lay pasture phase maintained by a strong agronomic program.
In addition, the vendors run around 1200 Merino ewes plus lambs on well-established clover pastures.
Situated in a 400mm average annual rainfall region, there is no mains water on Witera, but underground water is available by way of two new bores and windmills.
Improvements include a three-stand shearing shed, near new sheep yards, a machinery shed and 18km of recently replaced fencing.
The sale of Witera is being handled by Elders agent Luke Duncan, who said the property provides an opportunity for existing farmers to expand their holdings in a reliable grain growing region.