
Karakana, Wilgaroi, The Wattles, Jindabyne on market

Linda Rowley February 5, 2025

Baldry property The Wattles is listed with a $6.7M-$7.2M price guide. Photo: Belle property

AMONG properties on the market this month are South Australia’s Karakana, Wilgaroi and The Wattles in New South Wales, and Jindabyne in southern Queensland.

All four offer significant scope for cropping, and have good infrastructure for livestock.

Karakana, SA

A continuous cropping or mixed-farming opportunity on SA’s Eyre Peninsula is being offered for sale by Geoffrey Zacher after more than 20 years of ownership.

The 1364ha Karakana is located 24km south of Lock and 56km north of Cummins, and after just one week of marketing, is attracting good interest.

Around 1108ha of the sandy loam and calcareous loam soils are cleared and arable for cropping.

Eyre Peninsula property Karakana can be run as all-cropping or mixed farming operation, and its improvements include sheep and cattle yards. Photo: Elders

Elders agent Luke Duncan said the country typically produces around 2t/ha of cereals.

“Over the last three years, the vendor grown a rotation of wheat, barley and lentil/vetch, as well as beans,” Mr Duncan said.

“While Karakana has been continuously cropped, it also has the infrastructure to run sheep.

“Improved with clay spreading which has generated better yields, the property is under good weed management.

If required, some seed and fertiliser are available to the purchaser for this upcoming season.”

Mains water and rainwater are supplied to troughs for spray purposes, supported by an average annual rainfall of 350mm.

Infrastructure includes numerous sheds, sheep and cattle yards, and storage for 136t of grain.

Karakana is for sale by expressions of interest closing February 28.

Wilgaroi, NSW

The Wall family’s prime cropping country in north-western NSW has been listed for $17 million, with the sale to end more than 100 years of ownership.

The 1539ha Wilgaroi is located 13km north-east of Bellata, halfway between Moree and Narrabri.

The undulating country has some contour banks with mostly black basalt and chocolate soils.

Wilgaroi can grow a variety of crops including canola. Photo: Moree Real Estate

Around 1234ha can be farmed and is currently fallow, with half to be sown to a winter crop this year.

The 304ha balance is used for grazing.

Moree Real Estate agent Paul Kelly anticipates interest to come mostly from locals.

Water is secured by two equipped bores, two rainwater tanks and six dams.

Infrastructure includes a two-bedroom home, two guest quarters, cattle yards, two silos with 650 tonnes of combined capacity, as well as numerous sheds.

The Wattles, NSW

A mixed farm in the Central West of NSW offering breeding, finishing and fodder cropping with opportunities for further improvements, has been listed with a $6.7M-$7.2M price guide.

After five years of ownership, the Mason Family Rural Holdings Trust is selling the 1178ha The Wattles due to a change of direction.

Located 8km from Baldry and 45km from Parkes and around 77km from the Forbes saleyards, the property has experienced a good spring and summer and is carrying a substantial body of feed.

Belle Property agent Rob Nevins reports steady interest from a number of genuine, out of area, buyers seeking geographic diversity and expansion.

The country is mostly flat to slightly undulating with some steep timbered hills with some semi-permanent creeks. Along the creek flats there are heavier alluvial soils rising to granite loams.

Around 80 percent is arable with up to 700ha developed for summer and winter grazing around 8000DSE on mostly native pastures.

Mr Nevins said over recent years, The Wattles has undergone significant structural improvements and soil enrichment programs.

“Zero and minimum-till practices have been used with lime application, and the results have been amazing.

“There are further opportunities for new owners to establish more improved pastures.”

Situated in a 700mm rainfall area, The Wattles is watered by a bore and 21 dams, two built recently.

Infrastructure includes a three-bedroom home, 170-tonnes of grain storage in nine silos, a three-stand shearing shed, new steel cattle and sheep yards, around 10km of new steel fencing including new laneways and numerous sheds.

Jindabyne, Qld

The McMaster family has listed for sale its quality mixed cropping and livestock operation in southern Qld after 65 years of ownership.

The 3278ha Jindabyne is located near North Bungunya and 88km west of Goondiwindi, close to grain-receival depots at Bungunya, Toobeah, Talwood, and Goondiwindi, as well as local feedlots.

Nutrien Harcourts agent Andrew Jakins said the property offers buyers a good combination of farming, grazing and finishing country.

The country is slightly undulating with some areas of cultivation being contoured with waterways, with the mostly fertile, self-mulching chocolate soils suited to growing wheat, barley, oats, chickpeas, millet, and sorghum.

More than 2800ha has been cleared and previously farmed.

Currently, 1525ha of cultivation are fallow for 2025 winter cropping.

Jindabyne’s many improvements include 1690t of silo storage. Photo: Nutrien Harcourts

Until recently, Jindabyne was home to the ELKAY2 Droughtmaster Stud.

In the  past, it also ran sheep on improved pastures.

Water is supplied by the Kywanna bore scheme, 13 dams and the Waverly, Lapgate and Boogarah creeks that traverse the property.

The southern boundary of the property is exclusion fenced.

Infrastructure includes a four-bedroom home, a four-bedroom workmen’s cottage, steel cattle yards, numerous sheds, a shearing shed, sheep yards, and grain silos with a combined storage capacity of 1690t.

Feed yards, under construction, are designed to handle approximately 600SCU in four pens.

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