Wild Dog Creek Station in the Melrose district in the foothills of SA’s Flinders Ranges. Photo: Ray White Rural
AMONG this month’s listings are the Litchfield brothers’ Glenkerry in the Vermont Hill district near Condobolin, the Shanahan family’s Wild Dog Creek in the southern Flinders Ranges, and David and Erica Shorter’s The Plains at Merah North.
Glenkerry, NSW
The Litchfield brothers from Orange in central-western New South Wales have listed Glenkerry to enable them to purchase country closer to home.
The 3139ha, located in the Vermont Hill district, 90km north-west of Condobolin, comprise 2781ha of freehold country and an additional 358ha of leasehold land.
During their three-year ownership, the brothers have significantly invested in infrastructure, transforming the property into an efficient, easy to manage operation.

Glenkerry at Vermont Hill, north-west of Condoblin, is suited to sheep and cattle as well as cropping. Photo: Ray White Rural
The soft red Kurrajong country has mainly red and red sandy loams.
Around 93 percent is arable, with more than 2023ha planted to wheat and 566ha planted to barley, both included in the sale.
Paddy Ward from Ray White Rural said this year’s focus is cropping but Glenkerry is also suited to sheep and cattle.
“The property can run around 3500 dry sheep equivalents or around 350 cows and calves, with the infrastructure supporting both enterprises.”
An anabranch of the seasonal Eremeran Creek flows through the property and there are soft creek flats along the watercourses with good water catchment and run off.
This is supported by 13 dams, with at least one in every paddock.
Improvements include a three-bedroom home, steel cattle and sheep yards, a shearing shed, a machinery shed, 400t of grain storage and 160t of fertiliser storage.
Glenkerry will be auctioned on September 7.
Wild Dog Creek, SA
After 18 years ownership, the Shanahan family is divesting its picturesque farming assets at the foothills of the southern Flinders Ranges.
The Wild Dog Creek Aggregation spans 1143ha across four non-contingent properties in the Melrose area, in the productive upper mid-north region of South Australia.
The region is suited to a variety of enterprise options including cereals, oilseeds, legumes, hay, prime lamb and wool production.
Comprising the 368ha Wild Dog Creek, the 68ha Rookhatt, the 257ha Sanders and the 449ha The Plains, the holdings can be purchased in one line or individual lots.
The country ranges from gently undulating to relatively flat arable land, with mostly red and brown clay loams and some deep black soils.
Daniel Schell from Ray White Rural said the Shanahans have focused on broadacre cropping and hay production.
“The vendors have adopted leading agronomic practices, including variable rate fertiliser application and controlled traffic tillage benefiting from scale, operational efficiency, fertile soils and close proximity to markets.”
The infrastructure includes a home, various sheds, a shearing shed and yards, substantial rainwater storage, 1200 tonnes of grain storage and a feedlot.
The Wild Dog Creek Aggregation will be auctioned on September 14.
The Plains, NSW
A winter and summer cropping block in New South Wales’ north-west is anticipated to make in excess of $7400/ha when it is auctioned on September 7.
The 734ha The Plains is 26km west of Merah North and 45km west of Wee Waa.
Sandy Bailey from Moree Real Estate described the property as a high-quality farming block in a tightly held area.
“Almost all of the once Coolibah floodout country is arable (694ha) and features level, first class black and brown loams with lighter brown intrusions developed to cultivation.”
“The high percentage of arable country has attracted mostly locals looking to expand and some producers from away,” Mr Bailey said.

The Plains at Merah North is suitable for summer and winter cropping. Photo: Moree Real Estate
David and Erica Shorter who own the adjoining country are selling to concentrate on their grazing enterprise.
The Plains is watered by a solar bore and two unequipped bores, as well as a 22,000-litre poly tank and two troughs.
All improvements, including a machinery shed, a workshop and two 70t silos, are protected by a levee bank.
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