Temora mixed farm Rockleigh is attracting strong local interest. Photo: Nutrien Harcourts Wagga
A WIDE variety of properties is coming to market this spring, and listings detailed this week comprise two from New South Wales, two from Western Australia, and one from Queensland.
Pangee Park, NSW
A group of private investors is offloading a high-yielding farming enterprise in the Central West after 30 years of ownership.
The 3673ha Pangee Park, located 74km from Nyngan and 127km from Dubbo, has been leased by the three partners to a local farming family.
The lightly undulating country boasts rich red loam soils farmed into 13 paddocks and rotationally cropped with 50kg of fertiliser per hectare.
Around 2936ha of arable land is currently sown down to wheat and barley crops and at the time of settlement, will be ready to begin next year’s rotation.
Situated in a 425mm annual average rainfall region, the prime growing country has been well managed and has previously run some livestock.
Improvements include a four-bedroom home, a cottage, a machinery shed and a woolshed.
Pangee Park will be auctioned on October 24 by Simon Bell from Elders Nyngan who expects most of the interest to come from large family-farming operations looking to expand.
Cooraki, Qld
Cambridge Pastoral Company is selling its mixed farming enterprise in Queensland’s Maranoa boasting abundant feed and a wheat crop.
The 2128ha Cooraki, 10km south-east of Surat and 85km from the Roma saleyards, was purchased in 2020 and is being sold for succession planning.
Andrew Busiko from LJ Hooker Roma reports good interest from mixed farmers across southern Queensland.

Surat property Cooraki is being sold with its 404ha crop of wheat. Photo: LJ Hooker Roma
The undulating downs and bauhina country has heavy black self-mulching soils supporting Mitchell, Flinders and blue grasses, with good herbages in season.
The backgrounding and finishing side of the operation can run 330 cows and calves but is currently destocked.
With a good moisture profile in place following 40mm of rain at the start of July, the 404ha wheat crop is flourishing and will be available for harvest in
Cooraki is well watered by two bores, one share bore, six supporting dams and multiple seasonal waterholes in the Griman Creek.
Improvements include a four-bedroom home, a four bay machinery shed and steel cattle yards, with 40 percent of the property exclusion fenced.
Cooraki will be auctioned on October 18 including the wheat crop.
Rockleigh, NSW
A meticulously managed mixed-farming enterprise in the eastern Riverina is anticipated to make around $8 million.
The 588ha Rockleigh is situated 21km south-east of Temora, 36km west of Stockinbingal and 40km north of Junee.
After two generations of Oliver family ownership, the current vendors Brian and Alison Oliver are selling to downsize.
Sally Douglas from Nutrien Harcourts said the listing has generated good local interest especially from existing operators.
Rockleigh is currently growing 325ha of oilseeds, cereals and vetch and 210ha of lucerne, medic and clover pastures for the wool and prime lamb enterprise which runs around 1250 ewes, replacements and lambs.
The land is open and arable, lightly timbered with established tree plantings along the watercourses and the fence lines.
Water is supplied by a mains water connection with a 110,000-litre tank that gravity feeds to stock troughs.
Local watercourses traverse the holding and fill 14 dams.
This is supported by multiple rainwater tanks with around 170,000l of storage capacity, in a 535mm annual average rainfall district.
Improvements include a three-bedroom home, raised four-stand shearing shed, new sheep yards, small steel cattle yards, numerous sheds, six self-
emptying grain silos with 375 tonne capacity, a 40t fertiliser silo and four seed silos.
Expressions of interest for Rockleigh close on October 18.
Harold Park and Carranya, WA
A productive dryland cropping and livestock opportunity in Western Australia’s renowned Mid West region is being offered for sale by Charles and Shayne Wass.
The 2761ha Harold Park and Carranya are situated 9km from Coorow, 13km from the Marchagee CBH site and 75km north of Moora.
LAWD agent Simon Wilkinson is offering a price guide of $4.5M and $5M.
The country is undulating with mixed soil types including gravelly clays, red, brown and yellow loams and chert.
The property has a diverse history of dryland cropping rotations with the 2023 program consisting of wheat (230ha), triticale (118ha), lupins (26ha), canola (100ha) and pasture renovation (396ha).

Crops grown on Harold Park and Carranya include lupins. Photo: LAWD
Harold Park and Carranya are also used as a livestock operation with a focus on Dohne sheep.
It is rated to run 900 ewes but is equally suited to cattle and other livestock pursuits.
The holding is watered by five equipped bores, reticulating to a tank and trough network in a 381mm average annual rainfall region.
Structural improvements include a home, various sheds, a shearing shed with adjoining yards and 340 tonnes of grain silo storage.
Harold Park and Carranya are being offered for sale in one line by expressions of interest closing on October 19.
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