
WA’s Kuranooking Park set for auction, Westlands lists

Linda Rowley April 12, 2024

Kuranooking Park is being sold to wind up 70 years of Taylor family ownership. Photo: Raine & Horne

THE Darkan region’s Kuranooking Park is set for auction, and Westlands near Albany is for sale, with both properties offering mixed-farming opportunities in Western Australia.

Kuranooking Park has listed with a price guide of $12 million, while Westlands is calling for offers above $5.5M.

Kuranooking Park

A $12M price guide has been offered for the Taylor family’s mixed-farming property in WA’s Wheatbelt, listed for the first time in 70 years.

The 1233ha Kuranooking Park is situated 80km from Collie in the tightly held Darkan region, 200km south-east of Perth.

The slightly undulating cropping and grazing country features a range of soil types including strong gravel, medium to strong and some deep chocolate loams.

Given its coveted location, Raine & Horne Great Southern selling agent John Hetherington anticipates spirited bidding.

“Even before its market debut, local farming interests in Darkan have shown considerable interest in Kuranooking Park, which means it could surpass $12M,” Mr Hetherington said.

“Additionally, there have been enquiries from an out-of-area buyer looking to expand into the Darkan region.”

In terms of the WA property-selling season, Mr Heatherington said Kuranooking Park is being offered earlier in the year than usual.

“The timing of the marketing campaign will provide the incoming buyer with an opportunity to prepare for takeover and build up stock numbers before spring, or to facilitate the sale of a smaller property to secure this purchase.”

Mr Hetherington said the Darkan property’s proximity to major powerlines could also provide potential for additional income, with proposed wind turbines in the area.

Situated in a 549mm rainfall area, Kuranooking Park is watered by 25 dams and five soaks.

Infrastructure includes a four-bedroom home, a six-stand shearing shed, sheep yards, numerous sheds and four silos.

Kuranooking Park will be auctioned on May 10.


Offers above $5.5M are being sought for a high-rainfall opportunity in the south coast farming region of WA.

The 1153ha Westlands, 7km from Wellstead and 80km from Albany, is suited to dryland cropping and livestock breeding, backgrounding and finishing.

It is close to CBH grain receival sites at Wellstead and the Port of Albany, and livestock markets at Mount Barker and Katanning.

Westlands is being offered for sale by Gnowangerup-based farmer Knud Nymann after 25 years of ownership.

Westlands is located near CBH receival sites at Wellstead and Albany. Photo: LAWD

Around 82 percent or 950ha is arable and growing wheat, barley and canola, and running sheep and cattle.

The country is gently undulating with a mix of sandy duplexes, gravel and pale deep sands. Some clay has been applied on the low sand rises.

Paddocks have been strategically developed for maximum cropping and livestock efficiency, including a central laneway and well maintained stockproof fencing.

The property is watered by a bore and a number of dams in a reliable 504mm annual rainfall region.

Westlands is being offered for sale by expressions of interest closing May 10.

LAWD agent Simon Wilkinson is handling the sale.


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