
WA’s Silverback Farms, Downs duo hit market

Linda Rowley May 18, 2023

Silverback Farms covers 1827ha located only 55km from Perth. Photo: LAWD

AMONG the latest property listings are two highly productive operations on opposite sides of the country, Silverback Farms in Western Australia, and Longview and Neroh on Queensland’s Darling Downs.


A highly productive dryland cropping portfolio east of Perth is attracting good early interest from local farmers and institutional investors.

The 1827ha Silverback Farms is located in the tightly held Avon region of Western Australia, 10km from Toodyay, 18km from Northam and 55km from Perth.

The property is close to Cooperative Bulk Handling sites, the Metro Grain Centre at Forrestfield, the Muchea Livestock Centre and the Kwinana Port at Rockingham.

Owned by Darren Best for 20 years, Silverback Farms is currently growing barley, wheat, oats and canola, as well as running 200 Angus breeders.

Over recent years, Mr Best has carried out extensive development and capital works including soil amelioration, lime application and reconfiguring the paddocks to maximise cropping efficiencies.

Structural improvements include multiple residences, a new silo grain storage facility, a near new workshop, machinery, hay and shearing sheds and fertiliser and chemical storage.

LAWD’s Simon Wilkinson said Silverback Farms is benefitted by high quality soil types, an excellent climate and a reliable average annual rainfall of 610mm.

“Strategically amalgamated with an additional 6180ha of leasehold land, the portfolio is a high performing operation of scale in a well-regarded region.”

Situated in the Avon River catchment, Silverback Farms is well watered by several creek systems, 15 dams and multiple tanks.

It is available as a going concern, on a walk-in walk-out basis, by invitational expression of interest closing June 15.

Longview and Neroh

Locals and investors are also showing good interest in a tightly held Darling Downs irrigation and dryland cropping opportunity with improved grazing.

The family-owned Longview and Neroh has been aggregated over the past 17 years and is being sold to enable succession planning.



The two properties are 16km apart: the 497ha Longview is situated on the Condamine River and 263ha Neroh is north of the highly fertile Brigalow cropping region, close to Chinchilla in southern Queensland.

Scott Kostecki from the Leichardt Group said there has been significant and qualified interest from locals and corporates.

“On the Darling Downs, irrigation with good water entitlements rarely changes hands.”

The 760ha feature fertile brigalow and belah alluvial self-mulching black and grey cracking soils that are currently managed a single operation.

Combined, there are 385ha of reliable flood irrigated row cropping, 128ha of dryland cropping, 152ha of mostly improved grazing and 2200ML of on-farm storages.

Longview and Neroh are underpinned by 4165ML of water allocations.

Longview has 4km of Condamine River frontage and with a good area of dry country and irrigation to grow feed, offers feedlot potential, subject to approval.

Improvements include large machinery sheds, workshops, a cattle yard and grain storage.

Longview and Neroh are being offered as an aggregation or as standalone operations. Expressions of interest close on June 15.

Longview has 4km of Condamine River frontage. Photo: Leichardt Group


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