
GrainGrowers names groups to get farming-systems funding

Grain Central October 28, 2020

AMPS trial plots on the Simson family’s property at Premer on the NSW Liverpool Plains in 2017. AMPS is one of 31 groups to get funding from GrainGrowers’ Partnership Program in 2020-21. Photo: AMPS

A FUNDING boost has been given to 31 farming-system groups spread across all mainland Australian states by GrainGrowers under its 2020-21 Partnership Program.

Totalling around $100,000, the annual program was started in 2015 by the national grower representative body, and 2020-21 recipients comprise four groups from New South Wales, two from Queensland, nine from South Australia, five from Victoria and 11 from Western Australia.

New to the list are: AMPS Research from northern NSW, Macintyre Ag Alliance and Monto Growers Group from Queensland, SA’s Mid North High Rainfall Zone Inc, Victorian No-Till Farmers Association, and WA’s Mullewa Dryland Farmers Initiative Inc.

SA’s Mid North High Rainfall Zone group has received some 2020-21 funding from GrainGrowers’ Partnership Program. Photo: MNHRZ

“We are really proud that our Partnership Program helps deliver positive outcomes for local groups,” GrainGrowers chief executive officer David McKeon said.

“We believe local growers connecting and collaborating with each other delivers great results and the Partnership Program is intended to help get some exciting new initiatives off the ground where traditional grant funding or sponsorship arrangements might not be applicable.”

The Partnership Program was open to farming system groups nationally.

GrainGrowers profiles the Partnership Program activities through its magazine, and in its updates to members.

“Likewise, we receive terrific support from the farming-system groups, highlighting the policy and research work we do to growers, as well as encouraging them to get involved in some of our leadership and event projects.”

Central West Farming Systems Condobolin NSW
Riverine Plains Mulwala NSW
AMPS Research* West Tamworth NSW
FarmLink Research Ltd Temora NSW
MacIntyre Ag Alliance* Goondiwindi Qld
Monto Growers Group* Selene Qld
Hart Field Site Group Clare SA
South Australian No Till Farmers Association Clare SA
Southern Australian Durum Growers Assn Bute SA
Agricultural Innovation & Research Eyre Peninsula Inc (AIR EP)* Wudinna SA
Upper North Farming Systems Jamestown SA
Buckleboo Farm Improvement Group Kimba SA
Lowbank & Districts Ag Bureau Waikerie SA
MacKillop Farm Management Group Naracoorte SA
Mid North High Rainfall Zone* Riverton SA
Birchip Cropping Group Birchip Vic
Irrigated Cropping Council Ltd Kerang Vic
Southern Farming Systems Pty Ltd Inverleigh Vic
Mallee Sustainable Farming Mildura Vic
Victorian No-Till Farmers Association* Horsham Vic
Stirlings to Coast Farmers Mt Melville WA
Liebe Group Dalwallinu WA
Mingenew-Irwin group Mingenew WA
Mullewa Dryland Farmers Initiative* Moonyoonooka WA
South East Premium Wheat growers Association Esperance WA
West Midlands Group Dandaragan WA
Corrigin Farm Improvement Group Corrigin WA
Facey Group Wickepin WA
Far East Ag Research group Moorine Rock WA
Women in Farming Enterprises Harvey WA
Merredin and Districts Farm Improvement Group Bencubbin WA

Table 1: GrainGrowers’ 20201 Partnership Program funding recipients. New recipients are indicated with an asterisk.





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