
Grain processing guide developed for lot feeders

Grain Central June 29, 2017

The key components of grain processing have been compiled into an Australian-first manual for feedlot operators.

The Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) project is jointly funded by grain-fed levies and the Australian Government in consultation with the Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA).

The Best Practice Grain Processing Manual was compiled with the assistance of a selected number of feedlot operators and consultants who were interviewed to ensure the content of the manual is user-friendly, informative and easily understandable with accompanying diagrams and photographs of equipment, machinery and processed grains.

Contributing author to the manual, Dr Robert Lawrence from Integrated Animal Production, said it was a detailed publication.

“It’s unlikely that any individual feedlot operator would need advice on every component of the manual, however it’s been compiled to ensure that any question potentially posed about grain processing will be able to be answered in the relevant section,” Dr Lawrence said.

“The manual can also serve as a good training tool, or as a method of comparison for operators wanting to ensure their current methods are meeting best practice in the industry.

“For example, if a particular operation is dry rolling at the moment but they’re considering going in to tempering, the manual can offer guidelines on how to best achieve this.”

Dr Lawrence said the manual aimed to also highlight how grain processing practices can influence other aspects of the feedlot operation.

“Feedlot operation is composed of a number of distinct activities. It’s important not to compartmentalise these and consider the implications on other aspects of production. Grain processing in one of these activities that directly influence operation efficiency and animal production,” Dr Lawrence said.

The manual has been compiled as part of a broader MLA research project, in consultation with the ALFA, that also reviewed grain processing systems not currently in place in Australia and possible applications or knowledge gaps and opportunities for further research into grain processing.

Read the MLA final report here.

The manual will be made available to lot feeders in July 2017.


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