
Harvest truck driver injuries trigger urgent safety reminder

Grain Central November 22, 2016

GRAINCORP has called on growers and truck drivers delivering grain to its silo complexes in the hurly-burly of a busy harvest to take extra care following a spate of serious injuries and incidents at its sites.

Truck drivers delivering grain to local silo complexes are urged to take extra care.

Truck drivers delivering grain to local silo complexes are urged to take extra care.

The most serious injuries to drivers have resulted in multiple fractures and lacerations, all involving significant medical intervention and personal suffering.

Serious incidents have included contact with overhead powerlines that had potential to cause multiple fatalities.

GrainCorp corporate affairs manager, Luke O’Donnell, said the main causes of these injuries and incidents had been “rushing” and “complacency”.

He urged growers, managers and/or supervisores to have initial and ongoing discussions with their drivers before commencing work to ensure they were aware of what the key safety risks were and the controls that were needed to reduce the risk of serious injury or death when delivering grain.

Key points to discuss:

  • Overhead power lines – “Look up and live” – maintain exclusion zone distance’s. Do not move away until tipper is down.
  • Climbing on and off trucks – Use only fixed ladders and steps and always maintain 3 points of contact. Ensure footwear is in sound condition and correctly fitted. Clear grain and dust from walkways before use. Check for a stable, safe surface before stepping down.
  • Moving plant and equipment – Comply with all exclusion zones and maintain safe distances from all moving plant and equipment at all times.

Three things to do to stay safe at all times:

  • Follow the safety rules.
  • Speak up!
  • Remain alert.

Mr O’Donnell said living the motto ‘Zero Harm – Safe for Life’ was critically important and GrainCorp believed that no one should ever be injured while working.

Graincorp site rules are posted at site entry points and all people entering are required to comply with these rules and behave safely at all times.

If anyone feels unsafe or witnesses unsafe conditions work is to cease immediately and the site supervisor/manager is to be notified.

Source: GrainCorp


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