
Grains conference expands its Asian horizons

Grain Central November 30, 2016

THE annual Australian Grains Industry Conferences (AGIC) will be held in Vietnam for the first time, as well as China and the annual Melbourne event, with the 2017 schedule released by the host organisations – Grain Trade Australia (GTA), Australian Oilseeds Federation (AOF) and Pulse Australia (PA).

Pat O'Shannassy

Pat O’Shannassy

Building on previous successful Asian events, the AGIC Asia conference series will be held on March 7 in Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam, and March 9 in Shanghai, China.

“The AGIC Asia conferences are an important part of the global grains industry calendar and showcase the latest developments in the Australian grains industry,” GTA chief executive officer, Pat O’Shannassy, said.

“March is the perfect time for AGIC Asia, as harvest will be completed and our customers across Asia can get up to date information on Australian crop quality.

“It also provides the opportunity for the Australian industry to provide its customers with valuable insights into the quality of Australian grain and how to optimise its performance in end-use consumer products.”

AGIC Asia has been running since 2014, and has growing support from consumers, exporters, industry service providers and Government departments.

“We have worked with all our stakeholders to ensure our program is highly relevant for customers and provides insightful access to the industry.”

AGIC Australia will be held on August 2 and 3, 2017, in Melbourne, Australia.

“AGIC Australia continues to grow and receive strong support from industry,” Mr O’Shannassy said.

“It’s a great opportunity for the industry to come together and discuss issues and gain some insights away from the day to day of the markets and managing the grain supply chain. Sometimes, it pays to step back and consider different perspectives and insights – which AGIC Australia offers.

“Over the years, the networking opportunities that AGIC Australia has provided the industry have created enormous industry wide value, and supported a more cohesive, stronger and efficient Australian grains industry.”

Visit to view presentations from previous conferences and for updates on the 2017 programs.

Source: AGIC


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