AGRICULTURE Victoria has launched a new guide to assist land managers with the safe and effective use of agricultural chemicals.
Agriculture Victoria State-wide chemical specialist, Steve Field, said the guide provideduseful information to land managers about how they could manage the risks of spraying agricultural chemicals.
“The new guide provides hints and tips for land managers that are considering aerial spraying, as well as outlining their legal responsibilities, particularly in terms of notification and the provision of information to the pilot,” Mr Field said.
“It also emphasises the need for clear communication between the pilot and land manager so that each person can be satisfied that the risks are being managed.”
Mr Field said aerial spraying was a legitimate tool and could provide great efficiencies when undertaken by an appropriately licenced pilot.
“An example of its use and benefits include aerial spraying in inaccessible terrain or during wetter periods where it is impossible to get machinery over a paddock.”
Mr Field said the guide covered a number of topics, including:
Engaging a licenced pilot
Choosing the right chemical product and reading the product label
Agriculture Chemical Control Areas
Notification and communication
Managing the risk of off-target damage
Buffer zones
Record keeping
Taking action if spraydrift occurs
Public health, environmental considerations and occupational health and safety.
The new guide can be downloaded for free from the Agriculture Victoria website at:
Source: Agriculture Victoria