
RAGT buys BASF’s Australian OP wheat assets

Grain Central November 14, 2023

RAGT Australia general manager Dale Skepper,  RAGT Australia senior plant breeder Maqbool Ahmad, RAGT Semences new markets territory director Samuel Gaste, and RAGT Australia technical product development manager  broadacre David Leah. Photo: RAGT

SEED company RAGT Australia has acquired BASF’s open-pollinated wheat seed assets in Australia to augment its range of fodder, dual-purpose and cash crops.

Part of French company RAGT Semences, RAGT Australia has RGT Planet malting barley and RGT Accroc red wheat as two of its most popular varieties.

“This new acquisition fits perfectly in our multi-species strategy and reinforces our commitment in bringing innovative solutions to Australian farmers and our partners,” RAGT Semences new markets territory director Samuel Gasté said.

“It will bring another level of genetic diversity in our global cereal offer.”

After being a minor shareholder in Victorian-based company Seed Force, RAGT Semences became the sole owner, and Seed Force rebranded as RAGT Australia on 1 January 2023.

“Already rich in a recognised portfolio in malt barley, canola, and fodder species, we are convinced that our new wheat range will strengthen our co-operation with the Australian farming industry and our local partners,” RAGT Semences CEO Damien Robert said.

“This new acquisition complements our existing wheat breeding programs with unique germplasm and will have a positive impact on our worldwide cereals footprint.”

RAGT Australia general manager Dale Skepper said BASF’s OP wheat-breeding program had a mature pipeline that appeared to be rich with genetics well matched to the Australian market, and had already delivered commercial varieties.

“We’re excited to secure this opportunity to launch into the spring white wheat segment, adding to our existing activities in the market,” Mr Skepper said.

“Our team looks forward to working with partners and providing well adapted solutions to Australian farmers, that potentially extend across the globe.”

“We are also very pleased to be welcoming to our team the architect of the program and senior plant breeder, Maqbool Ahmad, to continue to steward the program into the future.”

Source: RAGT Australia


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