Jamea is being offered for sale with winter crop in the ground. Photo: Colliers
A LARGE and well-developed mixed-farming operation in central New South Wales is on the market with the listing of Jamea at Trangie.
Being offered for sale by Greg and Kate Broughton through Colliers International Jamea at $3174 per hectare ($1285 per acre), plus 4800ha of winter crop, the property is located within the Narromine Shire, and covers 6558ha.
Jamea’s grey self-mulching and red loam soils make it 93 per cent arable, and it is subdivided into 38 paddocks, most of which can be accessed from its laneway network.
All paddocks have at least one watering point supplied via the 85ML Trangie Nevertire Stock and Domestic Scheme, making it ideal for sheep and cattle breeding and fattening as well as cropping.
Alongside an extensive cropping program, the Broughtons have fattened 6000 crossbred lambs and 1500 steers in most years.
Jamea has traditionally grown barley, canola, chickpeas, lucerne, oats and wheat in a winter-crop rotation, and sorghum as an opportunity crop in summer, and many of its fence lines share a common GPS A-B line and wide gateways.
The incorporated Myall Plains property has a two-stand shearing shed, while Jamea has a four-stand shearing shed, plus steel sheep and cattle yards.
Annual average rainfall is 475 millimetres, and Jamea’s 29 dams are well positioned to capture surface water.
Back-up comes from one equipped bore and four non-equipped bores.
Farm buildings and infrastructure are extensive and first class, and dwellings come in the form of a spacious and well-appointed homestead and three cottages.

Jamea has an extensive laneway system and excellent fencing. Photo: Colliers
Source: Colliers