More than 500 delegates from 31 countries are gathered in Sydney this week for the International Rapeseed Congress to hear about the opportunities that exist for the seed’s oil and meal markets, and advances in R&D…Read More
Liz Wells, September 26, 2023Scientists are exploring the potential to expand the production of the ancient oilseed summer crop, sesame, from northern regions to southern Queensland and NSW…Read More
Neil Lyon, November 26, 2021A cold, wet winter has led to reports of severe blackleg infection in canola in South Australia, across Victoria and into southern New South Wales…Read More
Grain Central, August 23, 2021Researchers from The University of Western Australia (UWA) have developed tools to identify plant genes resistant to disease-causing fungi and deploy them to create more resistant crops…Read More
Grain Central, July 19, 2021Sunflower growers, agronomists and farm advisers will have an opportunity to hear from some of Australia’s leading crop management specialists at workshops in Qld and northern NSW…Read More
Grain Central, May 31, 2021Widespread rainfall across the WA Grainbelt from tropical cyclone Seroja has set up an ideal start to the season – particularly for canola growers.
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The improved seasonal conditions which helped deliver bumper crops in southern NSW in 2020 could become a double-edged sword this year unless growers remain vigilant on crop disease management…Read More
Grain Central, April 6, 2021Amid strong global oilseed prices, canola area is set to spike this year as growers plant early into moisture, and seed supplies for some varieties are already tight…Read More
Liz Wells, March 24, 2021Canola growers and advisers have been seeking advice on what to do to best manage the disease blackleg, particularly around whether to apply foliar fungicides early in the season…Read More
Grain Central, March 24, 2021The Australian oilseeds industry has released the ‘Australian Oilseed Industry Strategic Plan 2020-2025’ which provides a roadmap for the industry to address future issues and opportunities…Read More
Grain Central, October 26, 2020Australia’s first imidazolinone-tolerant sunflower variety has been released by Barenbrug Australia, with the new technology expected to broaden traditional sunflower regions in the country…Read More
Grain Central, September 22, 2020The potential to expand broadacre cropping across Australia’s north can be best achieved when it is integrated with other enterprises, particularly beef production, according to a recent study…Read More
Grain Central, August 27, 2020